Start services

  1. From Devspaces, click on the search bar on the top and choose “Run Task” from the drop-down list. ! Run Task menu

  2. Select the start-all-apps task, this task will run all the previously modified applications in parallel.

 Start all applications

  1. Click on Continue without scanning the task output.

 Scan task

  1. Each application will start in a terminal. Terminals are accessible from the bottom right,

Select ‘no’ on the pop-up which indicates that a new process has started and that it is possible to make a port redirection.

Start tasks

  1. To check that all the applications have started, you should have the following logs:
  • Log capture-app capture-app application log

  • intelligent-train log Log intelligent-train application

  • Log train-ceq-app Train-ceq-app log

  • Monitoring-app log**! Monitoring-app application log

  • Log train-controller Train-controller application log

Now that all the applications have been started, we’re going to simulate the operation of our intelligent train!